How to sell Digital Monograms

Buy a projector

Start your journey by purchasing a quality projector Don't worry; you don't need to be tech-savvy. We'll guide you through the process, and projectors are readily available in the market.

Elevate your business

Once you have your projector, it's time to explore our vast collection of digital monograms. We offer a wide range of designs, including monograms, logos, and customizable options.

Customize and Delight

Your customers will have access to an extensive library of digital monograms to choose from. Whether it's a corporate event, wedding, or special celebration, we have the perfect monogram to set the mood.

Adding value to your business

Offering digital monograms can significantly boost your business's bottom line. Here's how:

Generate Additional Revenue: By offering digital monograms as an add-on service, you can earn an extra $300+ per event. Your clients will appreciate the personalized touch.

Easy to Run: Set up your projector with the chosen gobo design, and you're good to go. It's a "set it and forget it" experience that adds immense value to your services.